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Cervical Cancer cases per year in India[1]


Most common Cancer among women in India[1]


Cervical Cancer Deaths per year in India[1]

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Cervical cancer is caused when cells of the cervix, the lower part of the uterus, go through abnormal changes and create precancerous cells that gradually turn into cancerous cells. Almost all cases of cervical cancer (99%) are caused by a group of viruses called human papillomavirus (HPV).[2]
HPV is easily spread during sexual contact, and around half of all sexually active people are infected with one or more HPV types at some point in their lives. In most women infected with HPV, the disease will spontaneously resolve,but in some women the infection develops into cervical cancer, usually more than a decade after initial infection.[3]

Most cases, people having HPV, do not know that they have the infection. Symptoms are typically developed several years after HPV infection. Many a times, women may find out they have HPV when they get an abnormal or negative result during cervical cancer screening.[4]

Pap smear and HPV DNA test both are cervical cancer screening tests. In both the tests, your doctor collects cells from your cervix. The Pap Test looks for abnormal changes in your cervical cells under a microscope and the results can vary from lab to lab. Whereas HPV Test checks for the presence of high-risk HPV, the cause of almost all cases of cervical cancer, even before changes to cervical cells occur. An HPV test is more sensitive than the Pap test in detecting cervical disease. Your doctor may recommend an HPV test even if you have already had the HPV vaccine.[5]

With proper vaccination, screening and treatment cervical cancer is highly preventable. Cervical cancer screening is an important part of prevention. Almost all sexually active adults get HPV at some point in their lives. However, a persistent infection with high-risk HPV can lead to pre-cancer or cancer. And therefore HPV DNA test is important to know whether there is HPV infection and the type of HPV.[6]

Sample collection for HPV test only takes a few minutes. One might feel some discomfort during sample collection. One might also feel a slight itching when the doctor takes the cells from the cervix.[7]

A positive HPV test result mean that you have HPV infection. Knowing the type of HPV will inform about the risk of developing pre-cancer or cancer. Positive HPV test does not necessarily mean the presence of the disease.[8]

The answer is yes. HPV is very common virus. Any woman who is sexually active, even with just one partner, could have been exposed to HPV. Women in monogamous relationships may feel that HPV screening is not necessary for them, but it is! [9]

There are chances that cervical cancer may run in some families. If your mother or sister had cervical cancer, your chances of developing the disease can be higher.[10]

No, cervical cancer is not contagious. However, if one is infected with the HPV - the virus that is involved in about 99% of all cases of cervical cancer - this can be sexually transmitted to another person.[11]

Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Unusual Vaginal Discharge

This discharge can be watery or bloody and can have a foul odour

Pelvic Pain

If the cancer has progressed. this may cause pelvic or abdomen pain during intercourse

Irregular Menstrual Cycle

You may see substantial change in the menstrual cycle

Abnormal Bleeding

You may witness vaginal bleeding after intercourse between menstrual periods or after menopause

Note : More severe symptoms may arise at advanced stages.

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